Monday 5 January 2009

Preliminary Magazine Cover

Here is my preliminary front cover of my college magazine,entitled "the bishop hype", i created this with basic photoshop and illustrator skills.

The pros of this front cover are as follows, i believe the colour of the page seems to work however it does seem quite amateurish in my honest opinion, also the slogan i think appeals to the main line sell and the audience of my magazine.

The cons of this page are the image does not work with the colour scheme at all, also the magazine cover lacks a certain trade that will make people want to pick up and look at my magazine over somebody else's. i also think that the page looks quite boring for example all i seems to have is a title, slogan, anchorage text and central image, in future tasks to improve my work i think i will add puffs to encourage the audiance to look at my magazine, possibly include sum more images and try to make the text stand out more.

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