Monday 5 January 2009

Analysis of Contents Pages (part 1)

Above is the contents page of kerrang magazine, kerrang magazine features many images on their contents page to get the audience’s attention, also the images have been constructed in a block kind of style mainly to keep the page neat and organised so the audience can see straight away what they are looking at. Also by looking at the images we can see that straight away this is a rock magazine also by looking at the contents headings phrases like “week of rock” and “the nicest punk rock rioters you’ll ever meet” are used, so automatically by looking at the amount of images and words used we know how the contents page has kept a similar style to the front cover which of course a specific type of audience in this case people that are interested in live performances and sub genre’s of rock.

Also the colours and fonts used support the style of the magazine. If we pay attention to the colours used on this page such as yellow, white, red and black, so we can see they have used colours that seem to attract attention just like the covers of these magazines. Also the styles of the font featured in this magazine are quite bold and vibrant and attract attention as soon as we look at the page which again matches the style of the magazine, bold, vibrant and expressive.

Another aspect to the contents page of this magazine is promotional features, magazines use promotion references and features to make the audience feel that they are getting more for their money also it is another way getting the audience’s attention and make them feel that if they are buying this magazine there is going to be something where they in a situation to win something or save money.

On this page the magazine logo is not present fully, it is presented in a small photo of the magazine cover at the top of the page, and to me the logo is not very dominant and can give the magazine more of a chance to match the styles of the magazine and the page also it is not very necessary to have another large title on the contents page.

This magazine does not feature any other franchise on the contents mainly to promote their own investments.

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